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Odoo, Python, PostgreSQL, XML, JS, PyCharm


Nandani B.

Odoo Developer


+ years of Experience

Technical Skills
Projects Worked On
Senior Level
  • Software Engineer with 6+ years of experience facilitating cutting- edge engineering solutions with a wide range of e-commerce applications and technology skills.
  • Proven ability to leverage full- stack knowledge and experience to build interactive and user-centered website development to scale.
Technical Skills

Languages: Python, CSS, HTML, XML, JavaScript

Frameworks & Libraries: Django, Django REST framework (DRF), Odoo, Bootstrap 4, jQuery

Development Environment: Vs Code, Sublime, PyCharm

Database: PostgresQL, SQLite

Versioning Control: GitHub, GIT, Git Lab

Projects worked on

EA Fruits

Technologies: Django, python, PostgreSQL

Description: This project provides all features for managing sales, delivery, distribution, customers, workers, payments, and access rights accordingly. In this project, my role is developing API for web applications.


Trade India and IndiaMart connector

Technologies: Odoo, python, XML, PostgreSQL

Description: A module that gets data with API from TradeIndia and IndiaMart. Created leads and opportunities based on data and handled every response. Also, users can see the status of data syncing in the UI with a message.


Contact importing from CSV

Technologies: Odoo, python, XML, PostgreSQL, openpyxl , pandas, jQuery

Description: A scheduler which can read data from uploaded CSV file files on a Google drive and import it into our database Using pandas. Also, it will compare and verify the data after contact creation and will show the status and history of the UI.


Sale order syncing

Technologies: Odoo, python, XML, PostgreSQL

Description: A module which creates sales orders on apps based on data given from our app. Then verify that correct data is created successfully and get a UID from a third party app to save it in our app. It will perform operations based on an updated stage in a third party app.


Event Management

Technologies: Odoo, python, XML, PostgreSQL, JavaScript

Description: A module that managed event ticket creation for VIP records and normal customers, selling tickets, and tracking records with scanning barcodes given on tickets.


Web Shop of Odoo ecommerce

Technologies: Odoo, python, XML, PostgreSQL, JavaScript, Jquery, Bootstrap, HTML, CSS

Description: A website themed and sold the products, tracked records of sales orders and invoices. In which added features for alternative products, extra images, product variations, price scale based on variations or order in bulk. Manage inventory and stock.

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