Senior Level
- 7 years of relevant IT experience in designing, developing, validating, and deploying JavaScript-based technologies.
- Experience developing Rest API (Using Node JS) and FrontEnd (Using React.js, Vue.js).
- Experience developing Frontend technologies like Nuxt.js, Next.js, Vuex, and Redux for SSR.
- Deep knowledge of NoSQL like MongoDB and Query languages like GraphQL.
- Experience in mono-lithic / microservices / micro-frontend.
- Experience in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) & agile methodology.
Technical Skills
Frameworks & Languages: React.js, Next.js, Redux, Composition APIs, Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Vuefront, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, MaterialUI, Tailwind CSS, Quassar, Typescript
Modern and open source platform: Directus (Headless CMS)
Deployment: Amplify, Netlify
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, Directus
Development IDEs: Visual Studio Code
Debugging Tools: Sentry
API Platforms: Postman, REST API, Swagger, GraphQL
Analytical Tools: Segment, Firebase Analytics, Mix Panel
Management Tools: Jira, ClickUp, Trello, Asana
Versioning Management: GitHub, GitLab, BitBucket
Projects worked on
E-commerce Website (Brown Eagle)
- Brown Eagle B.V., Headquartered in the Netherlands, is a cutting-edge global B2B E- commerce marketplace that intelligently uses future-forward technology to connect buyers with sellers across borders.
- Provides smooth operations by implementing International Orders, Order Routing, Happy Returns, and Order processing.
Technology: React.js, Node.js, MaterialUI, TypeScript.
Role: Frontend + Backend Developer
- Responsible for the UI Changes as per requirements.
- Implemented new REST APIs.
- Integrating DHL SOAP services methods and payment gateway (Stripe).
- Unit Testing & Integration Testing using Jest.
- Web crawling using Puppeteer.
Hospital CRM (Medscriptter)
- MedScriptter offers an easy and free online approval process to receive your medical marijuana prescription.
Technology: React.js, Node.js, MaterialUI, Jest
Role: Frontend + Backend Developer
- Responsible for the Design and Development of Restful Services with transmitting information over JSON in Node JS.
- Responsible for the Front-end portal in React.Js.
- Responsible for Implementing Serverless Architecture.
- Responsible for the Design and development of different processing like location processing, different payment gateways, etc.
- Unit Testing.
- Vepaar is to manage businesses on WhatsApp.
- Vepaar Chrome plugin contains all the tools customers need to create their
a business page on WhatsApp, efficiently communicate with their business contacts, manage their sales pipeline, build an e-commerce store, and run polls. - Vepaar has the following powerful features to help customers grow, right from WhatsApp
Technology: Vue.js, Vuex, Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS, Custom UI components, GraphQL. Role: Frontend Lead
- At first, I was responsible for developing new modules as per customer requirements.
- Integrating payment gateways and custom UIs based on requirements.
- Integrating SSR with Nuxt.js to provide Server-side rendering.
- Now leading a team to implement customer features.
- It's a SaaS-based platform for landing page builders for businesses, developers, and marketers.
- PageMaker allows customers to build and launch high-converting landing pages in no time.
- You can check the about us section for a better idea - Here.
Technology: Vue.js, Vuex, Nuxt.js, Tailwind CSS, Custom UI components, GraphQL.
Role: Senior Software Engineer
- Responsible for developing new modules as per customer requirements.
- Integrating payment gateways and custom UIs based on requirements.
- Integrating SSR with Nuxt.js to provide better SEO.
Handling data to store via Vuex.
Emoji Keyboard
- It is a Click to Copy emoji keyboard project which will help users to write an awesome message using Emojis from different apps like Messenger, WhatsApp, Apple, Skype, etc.
Technology: Vue.js, Nuxt.js, Vuex, Tailwind CSS, GraphQL.
Role: Senior Software Engineer
- REST APIs for emojis from JSON files
- Mapping keywords and categories with emojis.
- Search functionalities for emojis.
- Development in NUXT for better SEO.
Telecom CRM (Seamless Distribution System)
- It is a telecom product which having modules like KYC, Account information container, online M-Paisa operations, mobile voucher operations, and survey development.
Technology: React.Js, TypeScript, SCSS
Role: Frontend Developer
- Responsible for creating new modules based on requirements like report module, product module, etc.
- Attended daily scrum and completed the assigned tasks.
- Discuss the bugs reported by the QA team and fix them.
- Help the team to find the roadblocks and issues in development.
- Unit Testing & Integration Testing.
SPARK Web Application (CRM)
- SPARK provides custom software development and digital marketing services – helping businesses build practical and innovative solutions that increase efficiency and deliver ROI.
Technology: Vue3, Vuex, Quasar, TypeScript, Directus
Role: Frontend + Backend Developer
- Working with Directus JavaScript SDK to call APIs and display the data divided by modules.
- Quasar Framework for ready-to-use designed components.
- Maintaining the coding standard of already written code and making sure everything is up to date.
- Unit Testing.
European Athletics CRM
- European Athletics provides list of competitions, athletic details. Managing and organising competitions using Admin panel of their own.
Technology: React.js, Next.js, TypeScript, MaterialUI, Directus
Role: Frontend + Backend Developer
- Working with Directus JavaScript SDK to call APIs and display the data divided by modules.
- There were multiple role based system in this like athlete, coach, admin, etc.
- Maintaining the coding standard of already written code and making sure everything is up to date.
- Working on backend side with Directus Enterprise Team for some information regarding API implementation.
- Worked on new module requirements as well as improvements on current modules like search functionality of athletes and competitions by region, exporting CSV, etc on the frontend side.
- Business to Business social media solution for travel providers. Creating posts, events in public and private organisation manner.
Technology: React.js, Composition APIs, Antd, TypeScript, GraphQL
Role: Frontend Developer
- Work in frontend modules as per new requirements/improvements/bug fixes. Daily task updates and scrum call.
- Maintaining the coding standard of already written code and making sure everything is up to date.
- Implementing GraphQL queries and mutations for static and dynamic data in the project.