GPT and AI
Languages & Frameworks: NodeJS, Nest.js, React, Next.js, Javascript
Databases: MySQL, MongoDB, Firebase
Cloud Services: AWS, SES, SQS, SNS, Lambda, API Gateway, S3, CloudCloudFront, EC2, GCP
Integration of CI/CD: Jenkins, Docker
PM Tools: Jira, Trello
Versioning Controls: Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket
Compliance Warden App
Technologies: Python FastAPI, AWS Bedrock ( Titan, Claude ), Google VertexAI/Gemini, Phi3 ( Local LLM )
Description: A github code review co-pilot which take cares of the
Technologies: React.js, Nest.js, Python, FastAPI, LangChain, Pinecone, OpenAI models ( Chat/Text LLM, Embeddings )
Description: FeteBoard is an AI co-pilot for event planning and managing the event insights with the help of AI, users just have to start with a conversation to create an event and the AI co-pilot will plan and manage everything of the event.
NINS (National Institute of Newman Studies)
Technologies: NodeJS, NestJS, Langchain, OpenAI, MongoDB, ElasticSearch
Description: NINS is a digital document collection library that incorporates QA chatbots, including a document-level chatbot and a global-level chatbot. The document-level chatbot responds specifically to individual documents, while the global-level chatbot addresses respond related to the entire document collection. Digital collections and books are managed and viewed by the user.
Technologies: NextJS, NestJs, ReactJs, Langchain, OpenAI and PostgreSQL
Description: This is an advanced AI chatbot designed to handle customer interactions efficiently. By training the bot on our client's knowledge base, it becomes their very own personalized GPT assistant. Some key features include:
Reju | Inspirational Leaving:
Technologies: NodeJS, NestJS, Langchain, OpenAI and PostgreSQL
Tools & Technology: NestJS, Langchain, OpenAI ,MongoDB,
Description: Course-Correct is a platform that helps users find desired courses related to any subject. It provides top-rated courses for the particular subject requested by the user, utilizing AI technology. Additionally, it offers a chatbot functionality to guide users with information about the courses, providing a seamless chatbot feature for obtaining course-related
Tools & Technologies: MySQL, Elastic Search, Lambda Function, Cognito, CloudFront, Serverless, Stripe, Hubspot, NodeJS, ExpressJS, Sequelize
Time Saved
Description: TimeSaved is a unique mobile solution for recruiters, helping temp agencies and employment agencies fill jobs fast with perfectly matched candidates. The web portal for the recruiter provides them with instant JOB posting capacity along with that they can manage their shifts and payroll too. The portal also has a real-time chat feature with a live worker tracking feature. The web app also facilitates the push notification for reminders, updates, and alerts using the Firebase push notifications.
Description: TapTapMentor is the social mentoring platform that helps connect people (students) with mentors from diverse backgrounds and experiences, located all over the world. It has covering a wide variety of topics, languages, and age groups. It has mentors to help guide students and give them advice, or point them in the right direction!
One Million Dream
Description: One Million Dream is a social media concept application that allows user to create dreams and goals they want to achieve. The app provides a framework to break down dreams and goals into action items. Based on the user activity app will send motivational triggers and notifications to the user, in turn, encouraging them to work towards achieving their dreams.
Strapi Plugins:
Description: An Open-source plugin that can be used with Strapi to integrate an AI ChatBot for conversational questions and answering in the frontend using ChatGPT.
Used tools & technologies: OpenAI models, Pinecone as a vector db, Ably for pub/sub tokens, LangChain for the whole process.
Build Site
Description: A Custom Strapi plugin to update the frontends with the CI/CD pipelines like jenkins, bitbucket pipelines from the Strapi dashboard itself.
Projects accomplished using Strapi
Newman review
Description: Newman Review is a website that publishes articles on the life and works of John Henry Newman. It is run by the National Institute for Newman Studies. The website provides a platform for scholars to share their research on Newman’s life and works
Used tools & technologies:
Description: CFIT stands for the Commission on the Franciscan Intellectual-Spiritual Tradition cooperated with the Franciscan Institute of St. Bonaventure University in hosting several study groups for scholars who want to work together to share their research.
Used tools & technologies:
Description: AAFH stands for Academy of American Franciscan History and is dedicated to the encouragement of the study of the Franciscan Order in the Americas primarily through the publication of monographs, documents, a scholarly journal, as well as sponsoring seminars, conferences, and public lectures.
Used tools & technologies:
Description: This is the website of Israel, Israel & Purdy, LLP, a full-service law firm concentrating in no-fault reimbursement for health care providers. Strapi manages all the content and renders it dynamically in the frontend
with shared components.
Used tools & technologies: