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Python, Node.js, Microservices, AWS, Dynamo DB, Rest API


Bharat B.

Full Stack Developer


+ years of Experience

Technical Skills
Projects Worked On
Senior Level
  • Software development professional with about 7.5 years of experience in all phases of diverse technology projects specializing in ETL, Software Development, and Dev Operations.
  • Worked on different technology stacks Python, Nodejs, NextJS, PHP.
  • Worked on Python Django Framework to develop web applications and mobile Backend APIs.
  • Worked on Nodejs for creating custom scripts for various operations and Expressjs for REST APIs development.
  • Specialize in Relational Databases PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • Worked on Elastic Search to load and querying the data for various reporting and analysis.
  • Worked on analyzing large data sets on distributed databases and developing scripts.
  • Extensive experience in ETL methodology for performing Data Migration, Extraction, Transformation and Loading Data.
  • Experience with writing scripts for relational databases to extract data for reporting and analysis.
  • Worked on various domains such as RealEstate, Education, Financial services and Health care Apps.
  • Proficient in implementing analytics, dashboards and admin panel in Django Framework to enable enhanced business metrics performance with customer data.
  • Good Working knowledge in Apache Kafka.
  • Good understanding of Agile and CI/CD.
  • Team player with good logical reasoning ability, co-ordination and able to complete projects independently.
  • Team builder with excellent communications, time resource management and continuous client relationship development skills.
Technical Skills

Programming Languages: Python, Microservices, Nodejs, PHP

Frameworks: Django(Python), Flask(Python), CodeIgniter(PHP), Angular7+, Microservices, ExpressJs(Nodejs), NextJS, HapiJs (Nodejs)

Platforms, Tools & Libraries: Google Cloud Services (Cloud Storage, Datastore, Cloud Build, Cloud Tasks BigQuery, NLP analysis), AWS Services (Lambda, EC2, S3, ELK, Athena, RDS), GIT, HTML, CSS, Apache Kafka, Apache Ignite, Elasticsearch, Kibana,Tableau, PowerBI

Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, DynamoDB

Work Experience

Sr. Software Engineer

Timeline: Mar‘20 to Present

  • Worked on Django Rest Framework for developing the dashboard and product features and REST APIs.
  • Worked on django ORM as well as custom raw queries in SQL to perform various operations.
  • Worked on Nodejs Expressjs framework to develop REST APIs for mobile and web backend.
  • Worked on custom Nodejs scripts to perform handling Database related automation operations.
  • Worked on python pandas library to perform various data filtering data analysis and reporting.
  • Creating common modules to work on DB related connection Elastic Search queries and connection.
  • Developed Node js scripts for various real time data transformation and cleaning and loading into database Postgresql and Elastic search
  • Worked on Kafka consumer and producer with multiple consumers and partitions to handle daily data in millions of events.
  • Worked on different DevOps tools CI/CD.
  • Prepared high-level analysis reports with Excel and Tableau. Provides feedback on the quality of Data including identification of billing patterns and outliers.
  • Performed data extraction, aggregation, log analysis on real-time data using Spark Streaming.
  • Designed workflows using SQL queries for data preprocessing such as cleaning and transformation of data. Collaborated with business owners of products for understanding business needs and automated business processes and data storytelling in Tableau.
  • Handled importing data from various data sources, performed transformations using Python scripts.


Python Developer

Timeline: Nov‘18 to Mar ‘20

  • Backend Development with Python and Django rest framework.
  • Worked on AWS lambda service to create lambda functions.
  • Have experience running applications in containers with Docker.
  • Familiar with end-to-end server configuration handling with nginx with SSL configuration.
  • Worked on Google Cloud Services like Cloud Storage, Cloud Functions, Datastore, Cloud Tasks, NLP, BigQuery. Worked in all phases of data mining; data collection, data cleaning, developing models, validation, visualization.


Software Developer

Timeline: Nov‘17 to Oct‘18

  • Worked with scraping and scripting with Python.
  • Worked with services of Google App Engine like Cloud Bucket Storage, BlobStore.
  • REST APIs for mobile and web backend development with Node.js with framework (express.js & hapi.js). Implemented real-time analytics and chat communication with
  • Experience working in project with data visualization.
  • Creating complex SQL queries and scripts to extract and aggregate data to validate the accuracy of the data and business requirement gathering and translating them into clear and concise specifications and queries.


Software Developer

Timeline: July‘16 to Oct‘17

  • Complete Backend Development with core PHP and use of framework CodeIgniter and Laravel.
  • Complete Backend Development with Python and Django rest framework with ORM as well as raw SQL queries. REST APIs development for mobile backends with Django and PHP.
Projects Worked On

Aptihealth - healthcare
Technology Stack: AWS Services (lambda functions, cognito, dynamoDB), ReactJs
Scope: Platforms focused for Patient with mental health issues interaction directly to PCP/Behavioural Specialist with VOIP Meetings, Report Generation and Care Plan Scheme.
Roles: Backend Developer

  • Responsible for creating lambda functions using serverless stack.
  • Worked on SAM (serverless application model) templating and various report generation of patients based on their activity.


GGHS - insurance Policies
Technology Stack: Django (Python)
Scope: Providing insurance to members and manage their policies with different categories.
Roles: Backend Developer

  • My role was developing backend APIs and admin panel to manage members' insurance policies and member data.


Suburban - Jungler – real estate
Technology Stack: Node.js, ReactJs,

Scope: Providing real estate services in urban and suburban areas in the U.S.
Roles: Backend Developer

  • In this project, my role was to handle all backend services APIs, socket communication handling, managing emailing with in-panel Gmail access from the admin panel, managing meetings.


Guardian School Software – school management software
Technology Stack: Angular 7+, Django (Python), Socket.IO
Scope: Providing services for managing school performance, student activity, etc.
Roles: Backend Developer

  • In this web & mobile app, my role was developing REST APIs for web and mobile applications (iOS and Android), handling socket communication with the apps and website to manage real-time activities of the students & teachers.


ShootQ – event management web software
Technology Stack: Angular 4+, Django (Python), Celery
Scope: Providing services like events (photoshoot, D.J., marriage arrangement, workshops)
Roles: Backend Developer

  • My role was developing complete backend, integrating payment gateway, managing background tasks.


Cashrub – coupon based app based on user interest
Technology Stack: Codeigniter (PHP), Bootstrap, JQuery, AJAX, Beacon
Scope: Provide coupons to users whenever they are passing by any shops, restaurants, shopping malls
Roles: Full Stack Developer


  • My role was developing complete backend with Codeigniter (PHP) framework & frontend with Bootstrap and jQuery.

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