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React.js, Webflow, Wix, JS, Animations, HTML/CSS


Prashant P.

Frontend Developer


+ years of Experience

Technical Skills
Projects Worked On
Associate Level
  • Proficient frontend developer with over 1.5 years of experience specializing in building web applications.
  • Adaptable professional proficient in crafting exceptional UI/UX experiences with dynamic animations, prioritizing customer perspectives to deliver solutions using cutting-edge technologies.
  • Skilled in utilizing React JS, Node JS, and JavaScript to develop interactive and dynamic user interfaces.
  • Utilized Git for version control, enabling efficient collaboration with team members and ensuring seamless management of codebase changes throughout the development process.
  • Demonstrated ability as a quick learner, eager to adapt to new technologies and methodologies to enhance skills and contribute to project success.
Technical Skils

Languages: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Python, TypeScript

Frameworks: React JS, Bootstrap, Express JS, Tailwind CSS, Material UI

Database: MySql, Firebase, MongoDB

Low code/ No code Platforms: Wix Editor, Wix Studio, Webflow

Code Versioning: GitHub

Tools: VS Code, Jira, Asana

Operating System: Windows, Ubuntu

Web servers/Cloud: Netlify, Vercal, Render

  • Webflow 101 Certification
  • Webflow Layouts Certification Level 1
  • Web Designer Certificate - Wix Studio Certified
  • Wix Accessibility Certification
Project Worked On

Crayon Jobs

Technology: ReactJs, Javascript, HTML, materialUI

Descriptions: Crayon is no ordinary recruitment platform and aims to reinvent the way businesses hire. In this web application we implemented multiple modules like: Candidate, Employer, Promoter, Recruiter, Admin. Employers can post jobs, manage their team, and manage talent pools. Candidates can apply for the jobs, create their resume and upload their existing CV. Admin can manage all the Jobs, Candidates, and manage the database.

Roles & Responsibilities:

  • Design the UI and implement the API integration.
  • Responsive designing of the application is using material UI.
  • Used the GitHub for versioning control.


DSA Visualizer

Technology: ReactJs, Javascript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap

Descriptions: This Project focuses on the visualization of Data Structures and Algorithms. A web application has been developed to help students understand step by step working of different data structures and algorithms. This web app will simulate the data structure operations such as searching, sorting, etc. In array, stack, queue, and linked list as well.


Dorm Keeper

Technology: ReactJS, Bootstrap, Node.js, Firebase

Descriptions: A web application for hostel management. It provides facilities like users can easily book a reservation for room cleaning, laundry, manage electricity bills etc.


Court Case Management

Technology: ReactJS, HTML, CSS, Javascript, Node.js, MongoDB

Descriptions: A website for efficient court case management from client perspective. It provides facilities like Adding a case, Adding a lawyer, Generating invoice, Select lawyer.


Projects Worked On: Low-Code/No-Code Platform

Technology: Wix studio, Wix editor



  • Upload Riddles page for admin
  • Integrating script to wix editor
  • Mapping riddles in docx and generating perfect riddle object
  • Share Riddles on social media Integration


Royal Voyager:

  • Sign In/Sign Up
  • Home Page[Landing Page]
  • Services & Services Details Page
  • About Us Page
  • Contact Us
  • Book Service Page


Dr Bharat Shah:

  • Home Page [Landing Page]
  • Form Integration
  • Whatsapp Chat Integration


Native Homes:

  • Landing Page [Home]
  • About Us [Host]
  • Forms Integration [Domestic Guest Form, International Guest Form, Inquiry Form]
  • Policies Page[Damage Policy, House Rule Policy, Check Out Policy]


Mass Transit Equipment:

  • Landing Page [Home]
  • About Us [Host]
  • Form Integration [Inquiry Form]
  • Product Page & Sub Product Pages


Your Product Partners

  • Profile & Profiles Details Page
  • About Us
  • Get a Quote [ Inquiry Form]
  • FAQs Page
  • Forms Automations

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