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AWS, Angular JS, Docker, JS, TS, Node.js, PostgreSQL


Maksud A.

Full Stack Developer


+ years of Experience

Technical Skills
Projects Worked On
Senior Level
  • Having 8+ years of experience as a FullStack developer with different technologies.
  • Proven expertise in logical problem-solving and a proactive approach to initiating innovative development strategies.
  • Excels in driving efficiency and optimizing solutions for dynamic projects.
  • Ready to contribute strategic thinking and experience to a forward-thinking team.
Technical Skills

Technology & Frameworks: AngularJS, Angular, AWS, JavaScript, Node.js, TypeScript, GCP, GraphQL, PHP, HTML, CSS, React, Ionic

AWS Expertise: Amplify, AppSync, Lambda, Step Functions, RDS, IoT Core, DynamoDB, Cognito, Pinpoint, Secrets Manager, CloudFormation, IoT Core, Config, EC2, S3, EFS, VPC, SQS, SNS, ElasticCache, API Gateway, IAM, CloudFront, MediaConvert, Rekognition, Textract, Transcribe, Translate, CloudTrail, Glue, SAM, Serverless, Route 53

Databases: AWS RDS, AWS Aurora, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, SQLite, Amazon DynamoDB, MongoDB, Couch DB, Redis, MemcacheDB, DocumentDB, Firebase, FaunaDB, Timestream

Tools: Visual Studio Code, Git, Docker, Gulp/Grunt, Composer, Apache, SVN, NPM, YARN, Bower, Jira, Slack, AWS Cloud9, Teamwork, phpMyAdmin, Workbench, Navicat, pgAdmin, Studio 3T, Robo 3T, Dbraver, RDM

Projects worked on

AWS Serverless Dating Application - Honeysplash

Project Overview: This is a unique dating application where users can connect to multiple creators/celebrities via text/video chat and creators can share activity via post. Creators can earn coins on user interaction and post endorsement/tip. Applications keep secure chat, image/video content and profile data. Also keep filtering offensive content and avoid display for users.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular 9
  • Back-End: AWS amplify
  • Database: DynamoDB
  • AWS Services: AmplifyCognito (Userpool/Identity pool), S3, Appsync/Graphql, Lambda, Rekognition, SNS,Step Functions


  • Setup entire Amplify environment for Back-end & Front-end, Analyze requirement and convert into the codeBack-end Schema, Database & API development, Front-end UI update & API Integration


Accounting Management

Project Overview: The core purpose of this system is to develop SaaS which is hosted on a secure AWS server with subscription-based access. This includes all essential modules for any accounting management system. The system allows maintaining sales, purchase, invoicing, ledger, inventory, reports for an individual company. This web application can serve as a one-stop solution for all accounting and related needs for any company.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular (5.2.0)
  • Back-End: Node.js (8.11.3)
  • Database: mysql (5.7.9)
  • AWS Services: AmplifyCognito (Userpool/Identity pool), S3, Appsync/Graphql, Lambda, Rekognition, SNS,Step Functions


  • Project Manage & Lead, Module Analysis and database design, Node API Development, API Integration in Angular


Artisan Food Producer Directory and Search(UKFood)

Project Overview: This is the central product database management web application with producers map location functionality. The end-user of this application is the curator(Retailer) who is able to locate the nearby producers for product supply and order management.

This project is full of vivid functionalities as below:

  • Producer search in Map with product categories.
  • Producers product catalog view.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular 4
  • Back-End: AWS Lambda, API Gateway
  • Database: DynamoDB
  • Third-Party: Stripe


  • Requirement Understanding, Database analysis & design, AWS Architecture Serverless and DevOps Setup(CI/CD)


  • AWS API Gateway, Lambda Function development
  • AWS API local testing environment setup using docker
  • AWS Code Pipe, AWS Project, AWS CloudWatch Integration for CI/CD of the project


Web-based Hotel Management

Project Overview: This web application has been developed to manage the Hotel Industry. This covers all essential features from online booking to necessary reports. Efficient and elegant booking management module has been developed with calendar control.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular (2.4.1)
  • Back-End: Node.js (8.10.0)
  • Database: postgresql (9.4)


  • Database design, API writing, API Integration in Angular


Lighting Products Directory and Management

Project Overview: This project serves as a centralized database for all lighting products across the globe. As per global need, the system supports multi-language, multi-currency, multi-country, and multiple measuring units like metric and imperial. Lighting manufacturers can import data in bulk after passing predefined validations. The validated data will be available for export from the system in JSON and CSV format with custom product attributes. The exported data can be used directly on any eCommerce site for selling. The manufacturer’s product data can be searched by various lighting distributors/providers using a very fast algolia algorithm as well as a specially designed primary and secondary filter. This is a SasS Enterprise-level application.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular 4
  • Back-End: Express Node
  • Database: MongoDb
  • ThirdParty: Algolia, Stripe


  • Requirement Understanding, Database Design and analysis, Front-End Integration / Back-End API Development, AWS Architecture Setup


Lighting Schema and Financial Analysis

Project Overview:

  • This is a unique web application that is helpful in estimation analysis for any retrofit lighting project. The system allows the creation of existing legacy lighting schema and suggests suitable new led products. This way lighting pairs will be generated for each legacy product to the new proposed product. The system is designed to manage total lighting usage hours, power tariff, fitting, and maintenance costs. Based on the lighting schema prepared by the user the system suggests the following analysis.
  • Financial Analysis, Wattage and Lumen Analysis, Maintenance Analysis, Auto-generate project proposal using different analysis reports

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Angular 4
  • Database : MySQL
  • Back-End: Express Node Server
  • Third-Party: Algolia, Stripe


  • Requirement Understanding, Database Design and analysis, Frontend Integration / Backend API Development, AWS Architecture Setup


Mobile Application - Audit

Project Overview:

  • Audit the mobile version application of the Lighting Schema application explained above with Offline functionality. This application is used for the project survey for analysis. This application works offline to collect building and room data. Data can be synced down and sync up with the webserver.
  • This project is full of vivid functionalities as below:
  1. Producer search in Map with product categories.
  2. Producers product catalog view.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: Ionic 2
  • Back-End: Express Node Server
  • Database: Mysql


  • Create ionic architecture for local API development, Create sync down / sync up process


Urbana Smart Solution

Project Overview: Urbana Smart Solutions provides digital solutions to create more efficient buildings, cities, and industrial environments. We offer both ready-to-go solutions and customized, seamless system integrations to help you deliver outstanding solutions.

Technology Stack:

  • Front-End: React
  • Back-End: Express Node, Typescript, Graphql, Python
  • Database: Postgresql, MongoDB
  • Architectures: Microservice
  • IoT: LoraWAN, Mqtt


  • Senior backend developer, Requirement & New Feature Understanding, Database Design and analysis, API development

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